Artist interview by Annina Zimmermann (German)
Artist interview by Annina Zimmermann (French)

The following media has reported on TelcomGallery:
Baslerstab (CH), Philipp Schrämmli, 30.05.2006
Basellandschaftliche Zeitung (CH), Annina Fischer, 03.06.2006
Basler Zeitung (CH), Hannes Nüsseler, 07.06.2006
Tagesanzeiger (CH), Feli Schindler, 09.06.2006
TeleBasel, "Was Lauft?" (CH), Daniel Bossart, June 2006
Financial Times Deutschland (D), Judith Borowski, 17.11.2006

To download video samples click on the images in the image stripe. Sound still under construction!
